
Thank's for visiting Nostalgic Nerdom! If you're a first time visitor check out the links there to the right. I spend much of my "free" time creating geeky awesomeness which you can find in my Etsy shop! This blog is where I post about the random stuff I'm getting up to.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Trident Skeleton!


I cut off the old pegs and created new ones, which shortened the trident significantly.

I duct taped the posts to test the height before doing the final gluing and such and it is about 6'4", a bit more than 1' than my height. I'll be wearing heals, so it will be about right judging from the reference photos I have!

I still managed to make a couple of the pegs too small >_< Only one that has a noticeable wiggle tho! To ensure I don't have bits falling off during use, I added small holes to allow me to lock in the poles:

I'll use small zip ties (probably two, going around each side) to lock in the poles during the convention. Right now I'm using bits of pipe cleaner heh.

I'll set up a better shot of it before I start the next step against a dark background. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to go from here... Figuring out how to sculpt the flares is going to be the most difficult part. I'm considering getting some wire mesh just to make it easier. My biggest fear is the handle cracking where I have to hold it.

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